Trudeau - A Threat to Canada.

Out of all of Trudeau’s scandals, groping a female reporter in 2000, wearing racist costumes, helping Liberal-connected firms avoid criminal convictions, spending $6000 for one night in a hotel, giving deals to the We Charity from which he and his ministers received large amounts of wealth, Mary Ng hiring her bestie’s company, breaking the ethics laws, and many many more, the Chinese interference scandal that emerged recently truly plummeted his public support and reputation.

His inaction, followed by his disregard for government transparency, as well as his disrespect for freedom-loving Chinese Canadian communities has revealed to Canadians once again that he is not fit for premiership in any shape or form. For Justin, it was already really terrible that courageous whistleblowers inside Canada’s intelligence network let Canadians know that he did absolutely nothing when he knew that his own candidate was involved in a Chinese interference network. Read my article on it to learn more about Trudeau’s failure in dealing with Han Dong’s alleged misconduct. But what is worse for him is that more information continues to come out as the incident unfolds, and he can’t hold on to his previous narratives anymore. This administration needs to be voted out to have a federal government that acts in the best interests of the Canadian public.

Recently, MP Michael Chong learned that his family in Hong Kong has been targeted by the CCP due to his sponsorship of a motion in the House of Commons to condemn Xi Jinping’s regime for engaging in genocide against the Muslim minorities of Xinjiang. Moreover, the Canadian government did not inform him, despite the fact that CSIS produced a report detailing these facts two years ago. Chong said that he had just been informed by Trudeau’s current national security adviser that CSIS’s assessment from July 20, 2021, was indeed sent to the national security adviser in the Privy Council Office, the prime minister’s government department, and all other relevant departments at the time. It allegedly contains information regarding MPs that were targeted by China. The obvious question is: if the prime minister did know about this incident, why didn’t he do anything about it? But when asked in the House of Commons, once again, Trudeau gave another typical Liberal pre-written response that adds no value whatsoever to the conversation and does not address the issue at all. He said, “It is absolutely unacceptable for any Canadian to be subject to intimidation by a foreign power, particularly threats against family and against families of members of Parliament.” But ironically, such unacceptable intimidation even by his own standard was well-accepted by his government.

What actions could Trudeau and his Ministers have done to combat Chinese interference? He and his Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly could have expelled Wei Zhao, a Chinese diplomat, who was mentioned in the CSIS report to have been involved in this case. However, Zhao was granted diplomatic immunity in Canada years after the report that suggests his involvement in the targeting of Michael Chong. The Liberals can pretend however they want about how they demonstrated so much initiative and determination to defend national security that they even expelled Zhao to protect a Canadian MP. But the truth is they sit still when the report first came out, and the only reason they expelled Zhao was because of the political pressure Conservatives exerted through question periods, as well as multiple committee hearings. Rather than a move to prevent Chinese interference, it was more of a desperate political maneuver.

Furthermore, Trudeau’s staff and Ministers continue to attempt to block information from flowing into the public. At the time of the report, Morrison was Trudeau’s national security and intelligence adviser. This certainly means that the information he holds is crucial to understanding the prime minister’s awareness of the CSIS reports. He was supposed to appear with Minister Joly in a committee. Nevertheless, the witness list was amended early in the morning to reflect that he would not be present. Chong expressed his dissatisfaction with this “last-minute cancellation,” as his testimony could be extremely valuable and “particularly relevant” in determining whether or not the prime minister was made aware of the threats against him and his family nearly two years ago. This sort of negligence toward transparency has always been a trend of this administration, demonstrated by their frequent shut-downs of multiple committees, but such a complete brush-off to Chong still stuns Canadians as to how this government would put its own reputation ahead of letting people know what Trudeau knew from the CSIS report. Not only do they don’t care about changing their own actions, but they also try to blame this matter on previous administrations. In a committee, after Chong reasonably pointed out that this government has “failed to architect the machinery of government in a way that would ensure that information flowed to MPs and to the House of Commons,” Liberal MP Ryan Turnbull went on to change the topic to ask Chong whether he believes that this is Harper’s failure, to which Chong replied that China has become much more hostile than it was in Harper’s time. This government was given 8 years to adjust to that new hostility and geopolitical reality, and yet it failed in nearly every way imaginable to get MPs and Canadians informed about the dynamics of China’s interference. It is one thing to do nothing and put a sitting MP’s family at risk, but it is an entirely different thing to attack a previous administration as an excuse for their own complete mismanagement and shy away from their own responsibility as the federal government. The Trudeau Liberals have done both of them in a shameful manner.

Recently, OHSCA had the honour of interviewing MP Michael Chong the incident of question, watch it below:

Due to a series of Trudeau’s failures and the Conservatives’ success at getting their message across, support for Trudeau has been dropping. According to polls posted by OHSCA member Michael, support for the Conservatives is 35% compared to just 31% for the Trudeau Liberals. Multiple sources also confirm that if a federal election were to be held today, Pierre Poilievre would likely be elected as prime minister.

Canadians must continue this trend to secure a meaningful change in the federal government so that Trudeau can go and his future failure can be further prevented


Friendship Over Fairness? Trudeau's Pal Undermines Integrity in Election Interference Probe


The Great Firewall of Canada: Bill C-11.