CCYA Stands with Israel: The Modern Need for Moral Clarity

Am Yisrael Chai!

The CCYA team had the privilege of hearing Naftali Bennett, former Prime Minister of Israel, speak at the 2024 CSFN Networking Conference. Naftali Bennett was born in Haifa and was a member of the Israel Defence Forces. He went on to lead numerous companies and eventually worked his way through Israeli politics to become the 13th Prime Minister of Israel.

Joe Oliver, Minister of Finance under Stephen Harper, gave an introduction of Bennett and began the passionate panel on defending Israel. CCYA is proud to be strong supporters of Israel’s right to self-defence.

As soon as Bennett entered the room, it was clear that the room was strife with support for Israel as the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. Bennett started by discussing his experience living in Tel Aviv, during the October 7th crisis. He made one aspect clear, while the Israeli government failed to respond to the threat, the Israeli peoples were heroic and strong in their response. He described seeing thousands pouring to defend Israel: a stark contrast to what he saw in 9/11. Bennett also happened to be living in Manhattan, New York, during the September 11th attacks. He mentioned how while New Yorkers were pouring out of the city, many Israelis were proud to defend their country.

Bennett went on to discuss the need for moral clarity in this crisis and the double standards that exist. There is a clear “good” and “evil” side in this conflict. Israel is a beacon of a western liberal democracy in the Middle East, whereas Hamas is a terrorist organization hellbent on killing Jews. 

Bennett also discussed the diversity of Israel and its acceptance towards different cultures. He noted that one million out of the 10 million Israelites are Arab-Israelis. He also talked about how senior ranking military figures as well as politician are proud Arab-Israelis. 

He ended the discussion with great optimism while showing that the “Tiktok generation” of Israel  is a strong and patriotic generation that is proud to defend their country.

CCYA unquestionably supports Israel as the clear good side and only side to take in this conflict. As Israel is experiencing the worst genocide on Jews since the Holocaust and as antisemitic sentiments are at a all-time high, CCYA gives its thoughts and prayers to the people of Israel.

While Prime Minister Bennett told the stories of those protecting their country, Israel, protestors lined up outside, protesting against for Canadian values - freedom & democracy,


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