The Conservative Party Must Unite to Win

It is no surprise that many people that have been following the unity of the Conservative Party since Erin O’Toole was given the boot have seen one main thing, The Hon. Candice Bergen has restored unity both the outside and inside the party, but she only lasts for a couple more weeks, what happens after that?

One of the main questions of this race has been, "how will you unite this party?" A basic question, given to many candidates. In the recent debate between candidates Scott Aitchison, Roman Baber and Jean Charest, there were sparks about this issue. Scott Aitchison, Leslyn Lewis and Pierre Poilievre, all sitting MPs would keep their positions and retaining their seats, but when asked to Jean Charest, Charest was not clear whether he would remain within the Conservative Party when asked by Scott Aitchison.

Although Jean Charest may not want to unite the party with conservatives like himself if another candidate wins, he does know a thing or two about it as he has led a coalition government in Quebec. Candidate Jean Charest spoke on the matter multiple times throughout the debate, as well pointing out that “if we are going to unite the party, you have to show up” taking hits at Leslyn Lewis and Pierre Poilievre.

Although Jean Charest makes these comments about the party and candidates, recently data about fundraising came out shows that the party maybe more united than ever, breaking historical figures as Pierre Poilievre raised more money in one quarter (Q2 – 4 million CAD) than Erin O’Toole, the previous leader did throughout the 2020 leadership race.

But, numbers aren’t everything, and both Pierre’s and Lewis’ absence shows that they might not be team players, or as Jean Charest said, “like a fish who says he doesn't want to swim in the ocean.”

As Sir John A Macdonald said, “Let us not, like the hunters in the fable, quarrel about the skin before we kill the bear. It will take our united efforts to kill a bear.” No matter the result of this election, the numbers aren’t lying, the Conservative party is stronger than ever, whatever happens on September 10th , we must accept and unite and become the biggest and strongest party to stand up against the Trudeau government.


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