OHSCA End of Year Address 2021

This year of 2021 has been one of continuous turmoil and has tested us in many ways. From the ongoing pandemic, going in and out of lockdowns for most of the year, and struggling with many other world issues, we have definitely been pushed to the limit. Our group has been resilient throughout this past year, and did not let the ongoing world issues stop us from growing our movement and getting involved in politics.

This year, OHSCA grew in members and in content. With OHSCA Interviews, we were able to sit down with politicians like Andrew Scheer, Candice Bergen, Melissa Lantsman, Michael Chong and many more. In addition, we launched OHSCA Highlights as well as OHSCA Articles, providing many opportunities for our members to share their knowledge in politics and just simply get involved.

This year was particularly important for us in two major ways. This year we celebrated our first year anniversary and completely rebranded to form the OHSCA that we all know today. The second way was that this year was an election year. A short election period, but a stressful one nonetheless. Although we all would’ve hoped for a Conservative government we are still glad that the Liberals were held to a minority government.

We ran some very successful election coverage in the form of OHSCA Votes where we covered polls, ridings, and hot issues throughout the short campaign. Our members had the opportunity to express their views throughout the period, and also got involved in their local campaigns.

This year was our first full year, and what a ride it has been so far. When OHSCA started in October of 2020, we had no idea where we would go with it, but today, we are one of the biggest High School student-led Conservative movements in the nation not affiliated with any party. The future is bright for OHSCA, we hope you can join us as we continue to grow and engage young Conservatives in Ontario and across Canada.

Author: Vincenzo Calla & Jaireet Chahal
Date Published: December 31st, 2022


OHSCA Leadership Update


OHSCA 1st Anniversary Relaunch Address