A Message of Hope for Canada's Conservatives

September 20, 2021, the day that Canadians entrusted Justin Trudeau to lead the country with another minority government gaining just 3 seats since the last election. The Conservative party led by Erin O'Toole lost 2 seats in an election that seemed promising. Early polls showed the Conservatives up several points and on track to win several seats. The result was not what we expected, but now is not the time to lose hope.

In May of 2021 reports came out that Conservatives had raised more money in the first quarter than any party in federal history with $8.5 million in funding. Although a long way from the election, this sent a clear message to other parties that people were in dire need of a change in their government. As the election was underway in August, Liberal support was plummeting. Canadians were furious that their government could call an election during a global pandemic. This disconnect from Trudeau’s Liberals has since grown and it did not end when Canadians went to the ballot box to re-elect them.

This is not to say, however, that the Conservative party didn’t make any mistakes, they clearly did. They didn’t win an election that, on the surface, looked to be winnable. But, it’s been about 4 months since the election and things have changed significantly. Inflation has hit 4.8%, gas prices have skyrocketed, and a major supply chain shortage is looming. Just like last time, there could not be a better and easier time for Conservatives.

We need to send a message. The message needs to be one of hope for Canada’s future, one that doesn’t waver on any political issue but presents a strong stance. A message that the future will be bright, a future that we would like for our kids to be a part of. Most importantly, we as Conservatives must present a united front. We must set aside petty differences or disagreements and come together, united behind a common message that we will no longer be an opposition party. Canadians have sent a crystal clear message to the Liberals, for now, they are a temporary government. It’s time for us as Conservatives to send this same message and to make the Liberal damages of this country a relic of the past.


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O'Toole Ousted as CPC Leader